A Successful Week for ArgusEye During TESTA Challenge 2020
During October 19-23, ArgusEye participated in TESTA Challenge in Uppsala. This is a new initiative organized by TESTA Center, STUNS and Cytiva. The objective is to allow small start-up companies (like ArgusEye) to validate new and innovative methods and technologies to improve the production of biological drugs. ArgusEye was selected together with five other companies to participate in TESTA Challenge 2020.
The video below gives a brief introduction to ArgusEye and what we wanted to achieve during the TESTA Challenge.
During the week, a complete bioprocess were conducted, from start to finish. An antibody fragment (dAb) was produced in E.Coli. and purified by two chromatography steps.
We performed both at-line analyses on extracted samples as well as in-line monitoring during the different chromatography steps. The experiments were very successful and we were really pleased with the results obtained from our sensor systems. In addition, we had many exciting discussions with bioprocessing experts at TESTA Center and with the other participants.
In summary, it was a really fun and intensive week in Uppsala.

Full activity in the lab.

In-line monitoring with the ArgusEye sensor during protein purification in ÄKTA Pure 25.

Erik Martinsson connects the ArgusEye flowcell in an ÄKTA Pilot 600 system.
More information about TESTA Challenge 2020 can be found here: